Sunday, July 19, 2020

👉This is How Gold and Bitcoin Could End The Fed

👉This is How Gold and Bitcoin Could End The Fed

Money can be printed. Wealth cannot. Printing money is quite useful for transferring wealth to the bank cartel, as they buy up distressed assets with money created out of thin air. Gold will end the Fed. Borrowing usury money instead of making our own currency with no interest cost as per the US constitution! We had a friggin tea party revolution in the US over one tax! Money printing doesn’t really add anything to the economy. In effect, money derives its value from the production of goods and services. Everything that’s produced gets divided up based on the amount of money in the system. The one main reason for the US Dollar fiat currency's stability is because it's used as a global reserve currency. After Bretton Woods, the US rode the global growth train and could benefit tremendously as a result. The idea that the United States, by itself, reflected the strength of the Dollar is simply wrong. Controlling the global reserve currency used for the majority of international trade allows for a great deal of skimming and self-service, which is precisely what the US did for obvious reasons. Now that gravy train is slowing down, and reality is starting to set in. All countries that have tried to mimic the US economic model of never-ending expanding revolving credit have bankrupted themselves. Examples like Argentina and Greece prove that this model is unsustainable and, yes, even for the United States. The only reason why the US has managed to avoid its meeting with destiny until now is precisely that it has been linked to global trade, whereas other countries have had no such option. Now, as global trade is falling and many countries and regions are abandoning the Dollar, it is just a matter of time until the US follows in the footsteps of all the smaller countries that adopted its never-ending revolving credit economic system. This wake-up call will be brutal, and Americans who have been spoon-fed the idea that their economy is superior to all others will too late realize that they've been deceived all along. Eventually, we will part ways with the Saudis (who support the Dollar with dollar only purchases), and if we are not prepared to shift the Dollar to being backed by something other than oil, we are truly going to get reamed with hyperinflation overnight. Global demand for oil is 99% why the Dollar has not gone into hyperinflation yet, but regardless, the Dollar should be updated to a more high tech medium anyway. None of the Fed's money printing is actually helping the economy – not in the long run. It’s not like the central bank is putting real products into the economy. It’s not creating wealth. It’s not adding resources. It’s not creating anything of value. It’s just inflating the money supply. If you just increase the supply of money, it doesn’t do anything to change the supply of goods and services. So now, when you divvy those goods and services up, you just have to assign a higher price to all of those goods and services so that the market clears. But nothing of real value is actually added. Contrary to popular thinking, it does not follow that one can lift economic growth via the printing presses. When money is printed—that is, created “out of thin air” by the central bank or through fractional reserve banking—it sets in motion an exchange of nothing for money and then money for something. This results in an exchange of nothing for something. An exchange of nothing for something amounts to consumption that is not supported by production. When money “out of thin air” gives rise to consumption that is not supported by preceding production, it lowers the amount of real savings that support the production of goods of a wealth producer. This, in turn, undermines his production of goods, thereby weakening his effective demand for the goods of other wealth producers. The other wealth producers are then forced to curtail their production of goods, thereby weakening their effective demand for the goods of yet other wealth producers. In this way, money “out of thin air” that destroys savings sets up the dynamics of the consequent shrinkage of the production flow. Observe that what has weakened the demand for goods is not the sudden and capricious behavior of consumers, but the increase in money out of “thin air.” Every dollar that was created this way amounts to a corresponding dissaving by that amount. As long as the pool of real savings is expanding, the central bank and government officials can give the impression that loose monetary and fiscal policies drive the economy. This illusion is shattered once the pool becomes stagnant or starts declining. What enables the expansion of the flow of production of goods and services is savings. It is through savings, which give rise to production, that demand for goods can be exercised. There can be no effective demand without prior production. If it were otherwise, poverty in the world would have been eradicated a long time ago. 1) The fed isn't an American institution. 2) The banksters control the policies, with input from the black nobles and the Vatican. 3) The banksters control the policies, through bribery and blackmail, up to and including the pandemic. 4) The end goal is total enslavement, and it is getting extremely close. They control the oversight on extreme capabilities to monitor and track everyone; they are constructing 5G, which can target, cripple anyone. And they have control of the American army by proxy, as they control the leaders of that army, not the American people, who are sick and tired of endless wars, destruction, plundering others' resources, and general mayhem done in their name. All politicians are bought, blackmailed, adrenochrome, whatever it takes to compromise them; the rest are suicided, cancered out, or removed some other rotten way. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know, it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. The banks are getting nervous, hence the dividend limits last week. No doubt ooo's of nonperforming commercial loans now in jeopardy. Expect quiet runs in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out. A 'speedy' recovery is not part of the Deep State plans - otherwise, they would not have unleashed their economic armageddon - (under the guise of a pandemic) in the first place! I'm looking forward to sleeping out under the stars! Stay mentally and physically fit! The obese and the mentally ill won't survive what is coming! It is all about control. For sound money, there must be no institution or persons that can control its issuance. As a layperson, I can be a creative entrepreneur, carry out honest work and be thrifty; all good virtues, but there needs to be a fair reward. If I save the fruits of a day's labor, I want to know it will have the same purchasing value at some point in the future. Technology and demographics are a risk that this may be affected adversely or positively, but if the money is debauched by a third party, they have stolen my wealth and destroyed the incentive for thrift. Physical gold, silver, and copper used to provide intrinsic value for trusted transactions and had the added benefit of anti-bacterial properties. A modern economy cannot function solely with physical coinage, but digital currency must be backed by gold and/or other commodities to have trust. As we de-globalize, there will be some nations that preserve their fiat debauchery and others that have hard money and perhaps a gold standard. It is going to be a period of financial chaos and a return to capital controls until some replacement on the lines of a Bretton Woods convention is agreed upon. It really doesn't matter what you want to anchor currency to because any economy, in the end, reflects what is really of 'value,' and that is work. Suppose everyone agrees that a week's worth of certain labor equates to a certain amount of gold or silver or oil or wheat, then all other services and products will be set accordingly. The point of an economy is to allow and support transactions of work/products. The faster and more numerous, the healthier. This is so obvious it shouldn't even have to be stated, yet economists take the view that they need to control and regulate this because, of course, their position is to skim and act as parasites on top of this. Don't forget that governments produce nothing at all. They at best redistribute funds for some political and hopefully altruistic goal of helping to equalize society. They act as a brake on the economy, and the idea that governments can regulate and optimize things is a fallacy that Keynes helped institutionalize. It is the central planning economics light that has distorted and perverted economics to the point where today everything is about crony capitalism and neo-feudalism again. The fact that we see serious discussions now about what's called Modern Monetary Theory MMT only shows how far this deterioration of understanding has gone. The whole idea behind MMT is so monumentally stupid that it beggars belief how anyone would even consider it as nothing but a statist's wet dream towards central economic tyranny. So the ideas I am bundling together go like this: 1) Use a chain block-based cryptocurrency medium similar to Bitcoin to replace the 'credit note.' 2) Back it with a basket of commodities and equities that can be redeemed at a physical US Federal Reserve bank in a combination reflecting values at the time of redemption and chosen by the Federal Reserve. 3) The basket of commodities and equities would be balanced so that whether the global economy is in recession or inflation, the EDollar stays stable. So, for example, the commodities side might be made up of gold, silver, copper, rhodium, and platinum for precious metals, and Bitcoin, Litecoin, Etherium, Dash for cryptocurrencies with US Treasuries for more stability. This set of ten is to be things that go up in price with a downturn in the markets and vice versa. The opposite ten Equities and commodities that go UP with the markets would be some indexes on the DJI, S&P, NASDAQ, Top Four Retail stocks, and rounding out with oil, wheat, and thorium for consumption commodities that go up with economic activity. These components would be purchased by the Federal Reserve and built into the EDollar using fractional reserve credit ratios. 4) Initially, these components would fluctuate to keep a pegged value with the US dollar (not e-dollar), and the Fed would track its composition for a few years in a testing or data gathering period of time. Then, in reaction to a change in the oil markets, or just because the Fed feels like it is time to, we reverse the relationship, using averages over the testing period to establish a fixed proportion for the EDollar that would float without being pegged to anything other than its component parts. The physical cash currency would be pegged to the EDollar instead. The advantages of doing this sort of thing would be that it can free us from dependency on the oil markets while it would also remove a requirement to purchase large reserves of physical commodities. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

1 comment:

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